Saturday, June 30, 2007
I love a good challenge !!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Crafty week

Using up some of the huge amount of fabric I bought for the original Dick and Jane - I made
Zipper practise - just like exercise - I hate it but feel better afterwards

A bit of hooping - new bags . stay tuned

and me casting flirty wistful glances at Mr Gocco every five minutes !
Friday, June 22, 2007
Is this love?
I figured I had enough on my plate already and I didn't need the fuss or the worry. I should just be happy with what I already have and stop looking for more.
But you know slowly the feelings crept in until now I feel like a schoolgirl again.
My stomach has butterflies and I don't feel the need to eat. I have a stupid half grin on my face all the time. The kids have noticed and keep rolling their eyes at me.
But I can't help thinking what if it all goes wrong? Will I lose my confidence, what about my faith in myself?
It's just that there is so much potential...........I'll try to take it slow and not set my standards too high, keep my expectations reasonable but at the same time I want so much.
Secretly I am petrified but I know you guys won't judge me, won't snicker behind my back about the age difference or the slightly dishevelled appearance, or even the fact that that there were others before me. Ok so other times I have felt this way it didn't work out...yes I have made bad choices and yes I have suffered severe blows to the self esteem but this time will be different won't it, with this new love.........surely.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Its all True !
I had a little look right away and then last night had a longer drooling look and a quick rustle through the embroidery threads (purchased last week in anticipation) and then.........................
I put it aside - for I am the type of girl who finishes each project to the letter. I am the type of girl who sews on the last button , irons the project and immediately puts it to use. I am the type of girl whose sewing room is clean and sparse and minimalist. I am the type of girl who has folders of projects she may like to attempt in the future, colour coded and catalogued according to genre and sub genre. I am the kind of girl who sees the joy and wisdom in taking a project slowly and thoughtfully and enjoying every stitch right to the last final stitch where she can sigh a little self-satisfied sigh before she starts the next project. I am the type of girl who lies through her back teeth.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Poppy !!!

Friday, June 15, 2007
and the good bits......

Only the top lot are really bought, all the rest is thrifted so surely they don't count...
Monday, June 11, 2007
Gearing up.

Sunday, June 10, 2007
- Invent an exercise that does not require a sports bra, or in fact, any sweating, exertion or discomfort at all. This program will enable us to lose weight according to kilometres sewn.
- Abolish any clothing sized in single figures unless it is in the children's department.
- LEAVE Paris Hilton in jail until everyone has forgotten who she is.
- Develop truth vaccine for staff meetings - now that would be funny !!!
- Forget polyester, matching sister outfits, fleuro orange, that strange obsession with inappropriate boys at Uni and The Culture Club.
- Ban puffed sleeves on any garment intended for a female over the age of 8.
- Remove the word "whatever" from functional use.
- Become a pirate (helloooooo Mr Depp)
- Remember where I hid "my Style". I mean I last had it just before Jem was born but the minute I hit maternity trousers I decided to put it away somewhere safe so it wouldn't get damaged. 15 yrs and a number of house moves on I still can't remember where I put it.
- Learn not to keep every important piece of paper pertaining to my life in my underpants drawer.
Oh I am not sure about this whole tagging thing but I checked out wikipedia and it seems I will be in dire trouble if I don't.
I mean, can I tag people I don't even know? It seems a bit weird so I shall just tag Annie and Emma then jump on over and tell them all about it. (I told you I take this stuff too seriously.)
Too much thinking !!!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Parcels, Presents, People

Friday, June 8, 2007
My blog conscience or Jimminy cricket is not a crafter !

Wednesday.......Dear Diary -
- Went op-shopping and bought a coathanger. Came home and hung it up on the wall. This is not a new project diary but rather an ongoing collection so it doesn't count ! NER ! (wish I could find nicer hooks)
- Bought fabric to make binding for baby quilt.
- Tweaked ongoing pattern (first started about 2yrs ago so it does count.)
- Fiddled with, but did not ACTUALLY start new handbag.

- Bought fabric for binding baby quilt.
- Googled embroidery stitching instructions (googling doesn't count).
- May have almost quite by accident kind of started the new bag a little bit.
- Worked on new bag
- blogged
- threw away diary.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Dick and Jane !

And in my usual style how much fabric did I buy for one bag? Well the dick and Jane I already had and the green canvas weight was originally intended for the apron.
Bargain you think? Well I had first intended it to have different coloured base and sides so off I went and bought 1m of red canvas but then at another shop bought 1/2 m each of pink and blue as well. I also needed a bit of wadding so grabbed 2m from the patchwork shop where I fell in love with two other fabric (1/2 m of each of those too please madam and could I also have 5 magnetic closures ?).
I first made it up with pink sides (check out that free motion quilting) and hated it so had to unpick my triple stitching, so it ended up all green anyway.
So even though I had all the fabrics that eventually went into this bag , including a vintage cotton for the lining, that I thrifted last week, it would seem I purchased an additional 3m of fabric, 2m of wadding and 5 magnetic handbag closures........ (oh and a metre of unrelated but extremely gorgeous fabric from Aunty Cookie as well)

Its not that I am saying its a bad thing ...................
Friday, June 1, 2007
Crafty week

Monday / Tuesday

A quick trip to the localist of op-shops revealed this little haul.
- A glass buckle
- a set of Brand new Japanese hankies (coming to handbag pattern near you soon)
- Some little spring loaded button studs
- a little brooch handmade by someone with more patience than I
- a purse frame that did have a daggy pink plastic purse attached but I removed it for an experiment.
I have also been working on a few bags through the week and will be able to post those tomorrow. I even had a go at a bit of free-motion quilting and I didn't totally suck at it so that was a bonus.

Here is a fuller picture of little whiplash quilt. for those who asked. Now I am off to Spotty for some canvas !!!!