Hi guys, I started a new make today and got to thinking about the whole process and thought maybe you would like to follow along. I'm not promising a series or anything (I'm sure to get bored and wander off into something else) but thought it might be fun to document some of the stages.....

I always start with the head, I guess it is the bit that holds the personality and it is the bit that (hopefully) makes a toy recognisable. This is Head 1, a compilation of heads past, a very basic 3 piece, as you can see the nose area was a disaster.

Front on, I quite like the curve in the lower part of the antler, but
that's about it so its time to move on to another head - and yes
that's an ugly ear, there's no denying it. I usually don't expect to be even close until about head 5 or 6 so don't stress-

I made a new head with two antlers and ears, pin eyes and some drawn on features....
hmmm, its a little chunky isn't it? I usually do all my toy making with sheets. Locally I can buy them quite cheap so I never feel bad about how many botched attempts I make- oh and they must be white - colours confuse me at this point, I really just want to look at shapes and if I use coloured fabric I get a bit stuck on the colour . (anal or what?) Does it look like a toddler to you? The pins are like instant plastic surgery, a little nip here , a little tuck there.

Oh dear - this toy has mumps....
under chin area is
waaay too chunky. I also changed the back by adding a centre back seam so I could get a bit more
roundness but then had to pull in the base of the neck so it looked less
stump like. I have also decided the antlers can't be sewn into the seam- way too difficult and weird and floppy......felt ???? Maybe not, these were hard enough to turn as it was.

Head 3
What ??? Is anyone else seeing a unicorn here? Lets hope its a combination of bad angle and pins in the forehead... That weird
under chin wrinkle is caused by a pin I promise.
OK - I am much happier with the line on the nose area (although I have pinned away a bit more on the chin as you can see) Also my tweaks previously led to some weird
blobby forehead thing so I have pinned that as well. Not sure about the line of that side seam.... maybe I need to add a bit to the back and take some from the front to even it up. That will become important once I decide what kind of body I'm making.
Hopefully there will be some after-work-time for another head tomorrow. Look at the back of the head - too round ? Maybe I need it flatter after all - and then maybe to flare out a little at the base...
(its a long and winding road folks)