O.K guys time to get tough.
Thanks so much for all those crazy comments about the gocco cages, but just in case you were thinking I am some sort of freaky uber crafter, you need to see some of the stuff that hasn't worked recently. I would hate to be here bloggin' under false pretences.
Exhibit A: Squares
OK, not so much and abject failure - this project just died of boredom and disinterest. I fussy cut 13 squares and then snowballed them and now......couldn't care less. They have been in this state at least a year and will NEVER be used. If you can use them please email and I will happily pop them in the post. (Yay they have a new home - I am guilt free)
Exhibit B: Hedgehog thingy

Ah poor little hedgehog, beheaded and disemboweled at least 8 times so far - but I am yet to give up this one ...it has potential. Maybe its the fur fabric I need to change - I hate fur fabric. Why did I even start with fur fabric? Who invented fur fabric?
Exhibit C: Dog? Rodent ?
Weird dog shaped softie - No potential, no hope . I should hang my head in softie shame for keeping this abomination alive for so long. Hidden in the bottom of the bin straight after this photo. Trust me, this thing has been tweaked so much that I forgot what I even started with. Goodbye Doggie., Was it meant to be a doggie?
Exhibit D: Birdish shaped blob
The softie hall of shame is a long one- The bird , just in case you couldn't tell. Got to this point and I didn't even add wings - it is just so BLAH !!! Nothing happening at all with this. Wrong wrong wrong fabric for a start and it is kinda flat bottomed like a boat - Maybe it is a boat? Why the bird??????? Well isn't it obvious. It was to go in the cage.....
(Brace yourselves)
Exhibit E: The cage
The less said about this monstrosity the better. By far the worst and most graphic photo today - In reality this project should be taken out and shot but I just want it to work so bad that I can't give up yet. It has been a disaster of boning and stabilisers and 5 million pins give or take.
It might need to go into the Hiatus basket (where all those projects go that have lost their appeal - your not quite ready to give up on them even though you know you should - you keep on living in hope that inspiration will return) . I have decided that its major problem at this point is that it is just too big- and ugly, and floppy, and weird , and non bird supporting.....and well, its just plain wrong really. Exactly what was this for? and how did this one get past idea quality control.
That concludes this weeks session of "What was she thinking?" I do hope you'll join us again for another episode of the misguided craftings of a 30 something year old librarian in rural Victoria.
Next time: Will she act on her obsession with remaking and embroidering an umbrella? We can only hope not viewers.