I'm sewing.........
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Discombobulated.. or Jodie is sick of the sight and sound of herself
It's so easy to concentrate on what I haven't done , or haven't had time to finish...
So pardon me while I indulge in a bit of reality therapy won't you?
Hi my name is Jodie and in the last two weeks :
Reuben got released.

I went to AQC with Annie and Lizzie where I bought a new sewing machine !
I was introduced to an awesome new fabric shop
I made a tea-set
I dressed an elephant

I made a truly beautiful tea-pot out of Liberty fabric from the aforementioned fabric shop. I wrote a whole new pattern that is off being tested as we speak
I made an awesome chicken with Sooz and Amy during a fabulous visit. I mended clothes for the no-longer-living-at -home teen
I spent a day sewing with the hairy-still-living-at-home-teen.
I read 5 books (kids lit-nice and easy)
I finished the final tweaking of (as in totally finished) three projects for Daylesford Craft ExperienceI cooked, cleaned (not very much) mothered, daughtered, wifed, transported and generally did all that other boring non-blogworthy stuff as well.
My inability to logically look at that list and be happy with it drives me almost as insane as the ridiculous expectations I have in the first place. Seriously I should go to Cash Converters and trade my brain in for something useful - like a fondue pot!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Countryside Softies Giveaway

I was sent a digital copy of the book, and while reading a book from the computer is not my natural state (we librarians like the actual turning of paper) I have to say as I scrolled I still got that excited feeling and a few little gasps as I went through. The owls and the fox on the cover are my absolute favourites.
Look, Lets be honest Amy is a dead-set superstar and her toys are just gorgeous. The book takes you through the whole process of felting your wool and making your softie, and adding the cute embellishments to bring them to life.
So yes, here is another book destined to be bought and added to my shelf but you don't have to buy one . The people at Stash Books have a copy of Countryside Softies to give away...in fact jump on board the book tour - as they are giving one away at each stop.

(and Amy, that fox just kills me)
All in one day

I'm sure we won't need to twist Lizzie's arm to get her to attend....
Millrose Quilting & Gallery
Main Road Ballan
92 Inglis St
Ballan, Vic.

Now if I can just brave myself to actually turn it on - I might be able to do something with that Liberty fabric.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011
Blog bore

in my defense, to get to this.............

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Short of some sewing machine company wanting to sponsor me to the tune of a new sewing machine, I'm in the market for a change.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Thanks for the depend.

Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday night

Actually I think the techniques and tips are the best thing about this book - I am always in awe of the stuff we learn from Nikki at sewjourn - she often had an easier , faster and DEFINITELY NEATER way doing things, and she always has a gadget to help. The book explains some helpful gadgets and has a whole chapter on techniques.There is heaps to learn in that chapter. (She even shares the magic 3cm rule) If I picked this book up for a flick through in a book shop , I'd be impressed with the amount of step by step photos, I'd smile at the writing style - informative and friendly and then as I progressed through the book, I'd begin to imagine making some of the projects and then I'd get to the pattern free clothing section and my wallet would be out as I headed to the counter.

Thursday, April 7, 2011
The fat lady dances

Sheesh , he's done pretty well for a small town postal duck hasn't he?
Milligan is in this months issue of Homespun magazine and he is in some very fine company indeed. and today sees the last working day of the school term for me, I don't have to be back at work for 19 sleeps. At approximately 3.31, if the wind was blowing the right way , and you were listening, you may have heard the faintest whoop and felt the earth tilt ever so slightly on its axis, as I danced a little fat-lady dance through the library shelves and out the door.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Yep I have a serious case of E.I.T.T.T.S, in fact bubonic-plague-like-case my be a more accurate description. For those of you lucky enough to be immune or at least symptom free, you can find out more information here, here and here . I'm telling you , if you don't see some evidence of craft in this space by the end of the weekend, write me off as the first known fatality and make me a little plaque.
(nothing over the top of course - something tasteful...perhaps with underpants ?)