Here we are on Easter Sunday. What better day to tell you about my upcoming fabric range.
Due for release in May at Spring market, this is Bunny Trail.

I am super pumped about it and am keeping one eye on the calendar and one on the to-do list as things get closer to market time. The sooner the fabric gets here the better, but in truth, I am not expecting it for a few weeks. Then it will be saddle up and sew like the wind to get everything ready for market in mid-May. (I am going to Salt Lake City !!!! Can't wait )
The neck / back thing has improved , and now the man with the magic hands is working on the shoulder. New drugs mean my stomach lining will return to something closer to normal in a few months and for this I will be eternally grateful. (Oh friends it was a new and awful place).
But the really big news ? Bigger than a trip to the USA and bigger than new fabric range ???
I have a grandpuppy !
He is the cutest puppy ever (of course)
and as a total bonus - I am holidays for two glorious weeks so I have plenty of time for puppy antics.
I hope your Easter makes you as happy as a puppy with two tails.
(His name is quite possibly but not definitely going to be Mac)