Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cranium bouquet

In amongst the head bouquet, there is a new friend

We haven't been formally introduced yet

But I think I am going to like him.


  1. Cranium bouquet! You crack me up! lx

  2. Hehe are you working on a wedding bouquet for Marilyn Manson?

    Cute heads though!

  3. How exciting, a new friend!
    I wonder what his name is and more importantly, how he will be outfitted.

  4. I do find that head boquet slightly disconcerting. Looking forward to being introduced to your new friend though.
    Ever feel like a 'play therapist'?!

  5. Brings a whole new meaning to the term 'flower heads'. Do your little friends speak to you at the head stage or do they wait until they're fully equipped with limbs?

    I kind of imagine they're all muttering 'come on woman, I need some arms - got an itch and need to scratch it!'


  6. Just doing a little bit of catching up here so am late in congratulating you on that excellent news from the previous post... very exciting!!
    And you are probably the person who least needs to win my giveaway, but maybe your readers would like to take a look, it's a Japanese book (in English) on how to make felt animals..

  7. Soooo, that's the very first time I comment here and I'm slightly nervous. I won't even try to match your wit and humour, as I probably couldn't...

    I have been following your blog for the last eight months or so, and for two weeks I had a blast reading through ALL your posts (starting from the beginning) by night - which lead to some sleep deprived days because I just couldn't turn my computer off and leave all those funny posts unread.

    It was a shock when I got to the end, that is the present, and realised that I actually had to WAIT for you to write another post because I could read one! (Not trying to build any pressure, really, I'm not!!!)

    I love it when I can discover a new project of yours, may it be a softie or gorgeous underwear...

    Thanks a lot for doing what you are doing; you very often brighten my day! (A few months ago even my boyfriend started asking if you have posted something since I used to drag him to the computer and show him your posts giggling like a child - it only took him some weeks to get hooked.)

    Love that little head of your new friend and am looking forward to getting to know him, too!


  8. Of course I meant "that I actually had to WAIT for you to write another post b e f o r e I could read one!"

    Sheesh, first time commenting and already publicly made a mistake...


  9. That's hilarious and your new friend is so cute!

  10. Love his/her perfect little ears!

  11. Such an attractive face. Lovely calm colours and a gentle smile. A "now what are we going to do today?" kind of face. Quietly eager.
    Yes, there is much to like in this head. I look forward to hearing more.

  12. ahahaha LOVE IT!! :) ~Heather

  13. You're very creative--such cute toys

  14. He has the cutest little face in the world... xxx

  15. your new friend is cute whats his name I am calling him Bozo cant wait to see him finished.
    Hugs Mary.

  16. Now.... that's a bouquet that would turn heads...! (lol) Sorry, couldn't resist a silly pun! He's cute... I'm digging him.


  18. Well I'm lovin him already and he doesn't even have a body yet!!

  19. Am I slightly weird when I find a cranium bouquet perfectly acceptable???

  20. *** Giggle ***

    I think you're the only blogger I know that has me giggling at the post title when I haven't even read the intro!!!

    He's gorgeous, Jod! And congratulations with your joining the Creative Abundance team! You go girlfriend!!!

    Hugs! Vikki xo :-)

  21. I had M&Ms in my mouth and almost spit them out when I saw your post. You're so funny and clever! Nice craniums you got there.

  22. Such a happy friendly face, how could you not like him!

  23. You're definitely ahead of the pack! Just sheer dogged determination I'd say! Love that friendly doggy grin, he's definitely a mite (or is that a flea?) irresistable.

  24. definitely a friendly face sticking out of that cranium bouquet!

  25. So sweet, I allready like him too!!! Great bouquet!

  26. Isn't Cranium Bouquet an album by the Cramps?!

    He looks a bit like a teddy bear I've got! Edward Bear. Of course this one could be Robin Bees... cos bears are good at that!

  27. Cranium Bouquet sounds like a punk rock band name. Quick, copyright it and reserve the internet domain name!

    I think I'm going to like your new friend too!

  28. Geez you get those faces just 'right' you know? He's a keeper.

  29. Ooo...I like him too...of course a canine is the right sort of head to include in your bouquet...and such a friendly looking face too...


Hellloooooo !!!!