The mojo / muse whatever has definitely left the building.
In the past these creative down times used to stress me out unbearably, now, while I still rant and rave against them I am beginning to understand that it just happens and maybe I just need to shift focus for a bit
I made some potholders ! The blue and orange ones are for use (made with the tinnie fabric) and the kitcheny ones will go in the "gift box'.
I made five little coin purses from the best coin purse pattern in the world These little guys just need to have their frames added today. I love this pattern of Nikki's and have made heaps of these purses. They are one of my go-to patterns for a quick little gift. These will go into the gift-box as well.
I chilled - totally. Even though I have already read issue 9, yesterday I read it again at the computer and followed all the links and checked out all the blogs. I added more blogs to my reader and popped a few more into the blog roll over on the side. It is a crazy kind of cool to read a magazine that feels like it has been written just for you, with stories that really interest you and articles about people you know, or blog-know. (and yes I am in there as well)
I fiddled a bit on the softie front -
I have no idea who this guy is or where he came from......
I think he needs antlers