It's so easy to concentrate on what I haven't done , or haven't had time to finish...
So pardon me while I indulge in a bit of reality therapy won't you?
Hi my name is Jodie and in the last two weeks :
Reuben got released.

I went to AQC with Annie and Lizzie where I bought a new sewing machine !
I was introduced to an awesome new fabric shop
I made a tea-set
I dressed an elephant

I made a truly beautiful tea-pot out of Liberty fabric from the aforementioned fabric shop. I wrote a whole new pattern that is off being tested as we speak
I made an awesome chicken with Sooz and Amy during a fabulous visit. I mended clothes for the no-longer-living-at -home teen
I spent a day sewing with the hairy-still-living-at-home-teen.
I read 5 books (kids lit-nice and easy)
I finished the final tweaking of (as in totally finished) three projects for Daylesford Craft ExperienceI cooked, cleaned (not very much) mothered, daughtered, wifed, transported and generally did all that other boring non-blogworthy stuff as well.
My inability to logically look at that list and be happy with it drives me almost as insane as the ridiculous expectations I have in the first place. Seriously I should go to Cash Converters and trade my brain in for something useful - like a fondue pot!
God you make me laugh Jodie. We are so much alike. I always think Im being a slack arse even when people tell me I move at a million miles an hour.
ReplyDeleteI'll give you a blogland arse kick right now and reiterate you are one of the rockingest chicks I know. That list made me tired just reading it.
Oh and you are supposed to sleep a few hours a day you know.
I was quite impressed and overwhelmed with all you got done!!! I wish!! I think I just don't use my time very wisely! Anyway, have a wonderful Tuesday, Jodie! I love what you've made and am looking forward to seeing the new pattern! Sandy
ReplyDeleteYou just left one thing off that list..." I beat myself up 'til I was black and blue!"..just don't go're a marvel!
ReplyDeleteI'm curious about what else you expected to get done?
ReplyDeleteI normally have a big list on my whiteboard of things that I would like to get done "someday" I haven't updated it recently, so the list I have in my head is far too over-whelming!
I get cranky at myself when I don't do all the stuff I need to do especially when I have lots of time to do it. I even did an Avoiding Procrastination Course - Rule no. 1 was don't beat yourself up. That only makes you less likely to get stuff done while you are wasting valuable time hating yourself. I think your bird is adorable.
ReplyDeleteMake sure they throw marshmallows in with the pot, then we just have to bring the chocolate...! :o)
ReplyDeleteOh yes, that teapot is definitely only for high tea, it's beautiful...
so they say a penny for your thoughts..well you are getting a whole fondue set for your brain..noice one!
ReplyDeletei am extremely tired just reading your list Jodie..I think you need a nice cuppa, really.
Punkysmamma is having one right about now, if you pop round she might even make you one & you can admire the fake bread roll art she got from the oppy.
seriously love, it's ok!!
LOVE your tea pot Jodie! And that wee bird is adorable with those wire legs - love it! I'm feeling a bit the same myself... but with me I have to realise that young kids need a lot of looking after... I seem to think that I should be able to paint and craft all day with my DD as well as do a heap of stuff for myself. I think you have achieved an AMAZING amount in two weeks!!!! Ok - which cash converters are you going to? I want to buy your brain!!! Or do you just want to cut out the middle man and do a direct swap with my fondue set?????!!!
ReplyDeleteYou GO girlfriend! Vikki xoxo :-)
I could look at the last five years of my life like that Jod and feel the same way....
ReplyDeleteWe are too hard on ourselves. Your list of achievements is grand. Good work. I hope you have relaxed as well in all of that busy-ness.
Getting frustrated like this is often, for me, the turning point before I reach some 'aha!!' moment or some such. Hopefully the same for you!
OMG You are being way too hard on yourself !! So which spare 5 minutes was you going to achieve anything else? Now you need a week off to get over the last 2 - Love the teapot too - Gorgeous !!
ReplyDeleteHugs - Fee XX
don't know what to say, but want to acknowledge your words because I can relate to them...except, my 'done' list doesn't look half as much fun I don't reckon. Take it easy on yourself (not saying that I do, just hear it's a good thing to do). You're not an idiot though, I wont have you saying that. And kid- lit, I reckon that's one of my fav genres!
ReplyDeleteBut you DID get so much done!! A lot!! So well done to you. The moment I get a window of opportunity, I race around like a headless chicken from one task to another, trying to get it all done, and not achieving any of it!!
ReplyDeleteNow, as for that teapot - I have never seen anything so divine!!!
Ha! You call that underachieving! Come and visit me and you'll see the fine art of procrastination on display in all its glory! I love the things you've done/made. But yes, ok, if it makes you feel better...ok to file this post under I am an idiot! Which of course you're not. You're quite clever really aren't you...perhaps bordering on that genius/mad line lol :))
ReplyDeleteI love the tea pot and can't wait to see the whole tea set!
ReplyDeleteI think we all over estimate what we can get done, you should be proud of what you have achieved!
I Agree with Fee..You've Achieved a lot I think...the Teapot is Gorgeous ...Way Too Hard on yourself but know where your coming from...
If that's all you did I can truly understand why you are disappointed in yourself... NOT. I am an expert at crying and sleeping and think anything over that is work so I doubt if I would get your whole list done in even one year, let alone two weeks. (Please feel free to mark my work for any mistakes. lol) Cherrie
ReplyDeletegood lord! I'm on day five of my seven day vacation and was feeling quite chuffed because I'd managed to play two games of golf, clean and re-organize my sewing room, begin work on an art piece, do a blog post for my guild and quilt a lap quilt.
ReplyDeleteNow I feel totally lazy and ridiculously wasteful of my time off.
Ah well. There's always tomorrow to try and be an overachiever.
(and with that attitude, I'll never succeed! As I said... "oh well." lol)
You on the other hand...
Time to remove the cranky pants and pop on some very comfy "be-good-to-myself" trackies!!
ReplyDeleteAndi xx
PS MMmmmm .... fondue!!!!
You're such a turkey. I am allowed to say this because I'm an even bigger turkey. Today I turned forty - so imagine where you're at, then amplified forty bazillion times. Just for the record, I think you're a bloody star and reckon you should take a chill pill and stuff.
ReplyDeleteSo go to work tomorrow and give the EITTS a rest, Jod! Seriously, I'm impressed with what you've achieved - I've just cooked a bit and sat on my arse and read; very restful. And I am loving that teapot - and that little birdie...
ReplyDeleteAh I love you so much because you can be funny and honest all at the same time. And it usually makes me laugh so hard I pee a little (I think we've had that discussion before actually...) If you end up with that nice fondue pot let me know and I'll just hop on over with some chocolate and spend a nice afternoon drowning our lazy in sugar and fat. Sounds lovely, no?
ReplyDeleteOh, and that liberty tea pot? AMAzing. And you know how I feel about your elephants, also, her ears are on remarkably straight and if you ever find yourself anywhere in the Western United States, or I find myself in AUS I would like to commission you for an hour of ear attaching class.
ReplyDeleteYou are far tooooooooo hard on your self. LOVE the teapots.
ReplyDeletethats they way jodie...focus on the good stuff. and booey blah to the bad, i still want to try to blow up my brain attempting that teapot...:)
ReplyDeleteReuben is adorable, that teapot is amazing and you are my favourite Aussieswearinglibrariantoymakingnutty blogger in the whole world.
ReplyDeleteLovin' that Liberty teapot, just gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteThank God I'm not the only one - same shit different bathroom and our dog's mad too!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I'm not the only 'crazy list lady' out there! I hope listing all you've achieved has helped, because it certainly sounds (and looks) impressive! Love the tea set and teapot. managed all of that in just two weeks? Hat's off, back patted, take a bow!!! ♥
ReplyDeleteSecondly, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, why the heck was Reuben in Prison, and why didn't you tell me sew in could sew him a cake with a file in it??!!
Sew many questions..methinks a new story is required to discover just why Reuben was incarcerated (did he make an ass of himself in public?)..
OK, no apostrophe in hats, and "so I", not "sew in", although a sew in sounds like fun..!
ReplyDeleteDon't write to do lists - write what I've done lists! Much more satisfying!
ReplyDeleteLove it all.
But chill out - holidays are for having a rest.
Hi Jodie, I think you are AWESOME!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your blog, it's always inspiring.
1. please add Fab Green Chicky
ReplyDelete2. the house next door to me is still for sale and would make an excellent holiday home
3. oh for pete's sake Jodie, you are a RockStar - stop being so hard on yourself!
Me too! Not enough hours in the day, not enough days in the school holidays. Looking forward to the next school holiday already!
ReplyDeleteMind you, you've achieved heaps! Love your projects, all beautifully stitched.
Ha! Completely identify with this! No matter what I actually achieve it's always the stuff I don't do that sticks in the mind. Love that Liberty print tea pot by the way!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't achieve that much in 2 months, girl! But I know what it feels like when you don't achieve that list of forgot to mention that you read the dictionary though. Discombobulated?
ReplyDeleteDiscombobulated is my favourite word!! Adore your post, but don't be too hard on yourself you have done one or two things, hehe! Adore that liberty teapot. xo
ReplyDeleteHonestly sounds like a whole lot of things achieved in one short vacation - not like it was the long holiday.
ReplyDeleteLook forward to seeing the Daylesford projects - not too much longer now.
Give yourself a bloody break - if I had done all that you have done in the last couple of weeks I'd stick my underwear on the outside & call myself a superhero. xx
ReplyDeleteI bet no one else in the world can say they dressed an elephant in the school holidays.
ReplyDeleteWow thats a huge list ... all I did on my two weeks off was sit on the beach, swim, drink, eat, sleep and put binding on a quilt.
ReplyDeleteStill loving your blog
Oh yeah! Been there not done that, oh or that, bugger didn't do that either. From another quiet under achiever!!
ReplyDeleteGood grief you are hard on yourself! Um, aren't school holidays for a bit of a rest, not that you had much of a rest, seriously, look at all the cool things you did do!
Hope you're enjoying the new machine.
You have a faulous brain Jodie, don't you dare swap it... a little insanity is good for you... so I keep telling myself and my imaginary lobster friend...!!!
ReplyDeleteJust relax and let things happen. Change the way you think not the brain you're thinking with.
Anyway... we all love ya!
Holy Cow Woman -- what else were you hoping to get done -- solve the worlds problems??? You're amazing -- that's a year's list for me!!!
ReplyDeleteLOVE that liberty Tea Pot, and don't forget we had a few coffee's thrown in for good measure. I totally understand though - where did the time go. I think I got 2 afternoons in my garden, but . . . I have finished ONE of my circle quilts. Yes, I'll be in tomorrow - sleep well
ReplyDeleteYou are just brilliant look at all the creations you have done. Some of us just stand back in awe others try to emulate me I just love your creations and wish I was as talented as you.
ReplyDeleteSOunds to me like you need a good dose of Sewjourn... (Sqeeeeeee!.... not long now!!!)
ReplyDeleteIf that's what you actually did get done I can't imagine what the to do list looked like. Goodness gracious my friend.
ReplyDeleteHope school doesn't totally kick your ass this week.
Listing your accomplishments is a good idea- makes them concrete. Like crossing things off a list and keeping that list. LOVE that Liberty fabric! And the teapot of course.
ReplyDeleteThis is where knitting calms the soul and brings the earth back to the proper tilt. When you're running as fast as you can and can't keep up, it's time for a knitting break - and maybe some chocolate!
ReplyDeleteWHEN do we get to see your new machine?
Great post! It's a reminder to us all to stop being so hard on ourselves!!! I was going through something like this myself the last couple of days. I lost a fan on Facebook and started this bit of "I'm not good enough" thing going in my head! A single fan on Facebook!!!
ReplyDeleteThis morning I felt completely overwhelmed and started taking care of the basics: returning emails, filing, doing the dishes, etc. It wasn't until I read your post that I could see what I was really doing--thank you! Congrats on your many achievements as well!
You probably should because, you know, with a fondue pot you can use it with either cheese OR chocolate!
ReplyDeleteRead a lot of your comments, a lot of good advice, it must make you feel better already! So I will just say how much I like the things you design and make. I made my ( actually your) kinder girl with the piggy tails. Every one loves her. I mentioned you in my post ofcourse!
Annemieke ( the Netherlands)
I'm so excited. I just bought Rueben. I'm sorry you were unhappy with your two weeks but I'm glad for the new pattern. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteOh my, that teapot is to DIE for! And your list exhausts me just reading it! Heck, in the last 2 weeks, all I've done is keep up my email, deal with broken hips & broken backs (old parents, what can we say?) and play with the puppy! My sewing machine's been untouched for over a week now, and I'm sure it's got a layer of dust an inch thick, along with everything else in the house!
ReplyDeleteYou are one rockin' chickee!!
to do lists are fine Jodie, but there is always tomorrow! Love Ruben! the Teapot is delightful too! Read 5 books as well!! Well Jodie, don't be so hard on yourself, We think you are the best! You inspire us. I don't know what you had on the list that you did not achieve, you must have been using one of your lovely clocks to go by. Love your machine yet? Today is my birthday and i am celebrating by making teddy bears. Have a lovely day.xx
ReplyDeleteHeh hee! I spent the whole of yesterday in a craft induced grump for the same reason (a case of oh-what-have-I-done-with-the-easter-break-itis?) I had to resort to emptying the dregs of my knitting basket and stitching up things that were finished knitting way back when the dinosaurs roamed. I even mended just so I felt like I'd done something LOL
ReplyDeleteHoping you are back to your creative self soon.
If you are not a capricorn then you must have it as your rising sign. That list would exhaust me.
ReplyDeleteWish my last two weeks looked like that. Just love your teapot and what a cute chicken.
ReplyDeleteahhh get thee to cash converters quick smart
ReplyDeleteBut we still love you. ♥
ReplyDeleteThat is a shitload of work for 2 weeks! I wish I could accomplish 1/2 of that in a month, woman! That teapot alone would have taken me days!
ReplyDeleteMmmmm fondue. Yum.
ReplyDeleteI recognise your feelings very well! I do that to myself every single weekend. Though generally all I produce is a wonky seam that's been unpicked twice, so you're way ahead of me! Loving that hefalump
ReplyDeleteDiscombobulated...Love that word! That little chicken is too cute and the teapot OMG! I think my brain is in about the same basket and changing it for a fondue pot would probably be an improvement :-) I have just spent 3 hours ignoring the housework and making a small bag for my wee rabbit!! 'Lucy' is about to do a tour of blogland....want her to come and visit?? See my Easter post :-)
ReplyDeleteI think you got a lot done (I especially love the liberty teapot!). I am just as bad, I have a list I have been working on all Easter and keep adding more than I am crossing off, all a bit overwhelming so what am I doing but sitting on the computer reading!!
ReplyDeleteYou should be seriously impressed with all you've done! That teapot alone is worth shouting about! What GORGEOUS fabric! Don't be too hard on yourself Jod. xx
ReplyDeleteNah. We had a fondue pot when I was little. They're good for nowt but paper clips, dust and the odd woodlouse.
ReplyDeleteLook at that bleedin' list - it's as long as my arm - and I have long ones, believe me.
Can I just say that I am in love with your new teapot and would quite like to invite it out for dinner. Could you sort me out an introduction? Ta. There's cake in it for you.
On second thoughts buy a fondue pot, fill it with melted chocolate, cut out the middle man and drink it - you deserve it after all that.
ReplyDeleteDear god, how much more were you planning to do? You are only one (incredibly organised, driven and amazing) person. Only one! Chillax, dude. x
ReplyDeleteHi Jodie,
ReplyDeleteFondue pots are good, but mine hasn't seen the light of day for a couple of years...I think you will may you as you are now are much more useful. LOL I also do what you've done EVERY single Christmas and I will discombobulated this year tooLOL
HUgs, Sharon
Hope you're feeling better but if not maybe pop over and join in my first Give Away - it might just be the distraction you need.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest if I don't get more interest my discombobulation will become self combustion - no pressure!
AND you made us all smile with your entertaining posts! I'd say you achieved bucket loads....