Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dodgy Monday

Little did I know when I joked with Lara about needing a special day to show off our blunders, that mine would be so soon.

This was part of a pink and white vintage chenille quilt I have been fiddling with . It was not going well but I was determined and carefully unpicked and restitched until I could no longer sew straight, cut straight or think straight !!!!!

Eventually the unpicking turned into ripping, the craft swearing increased and one got a little tetchy .......
Today I am quite resigned to it - I shall toss the little scraps and save what I can of the chenille (I hate to waste any of it).
This afternoon I have friends coming over to play with our needlefelting bits and pieces.
(I have bought an extra box of band aids).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your dodgy efforts Jodie - it's very reassuring to the lesser mortals! I'm still giggling.


Hellloooooo !!!!