Monday, September 7, 2009

Sanity is an unaffordable luxury at this point

So when things reach that stage of headless chicken type crazy

and you know that you are a teensy bit manic

You simply need to outsource....


hire some help.....

Trust me ...Do NOT base your employment decisions on looks alone, if it is sewing help you need then opposable thumbs are a must !!

In fact any kind of thumbs would be helpful at this point.


  1. A lovely photo, though - despite the lack of thumbs!

  2. Oh Jodie, breathe...
    Hope it passes quickly and you get all you need to get done on time.
    Robyn xx

    Cute cute kitty.

  3. Oh, look how his eyes colour coordinate with the wall behind!! For a cat, he's good looking!
    Good luck with the week from hell.

  4. You don't need thumbs when you look as good as that !

  5. Hehe, Little Miss was about 3 when she peeled some wallpaper off the wall and hid it in the curtain. When I found it, I asked her who did it and she said the cat! I used the opposable thumbs proof on her then!

  6. So I'm guessing you need a monkey instead of a sweet kitty? :o)

  7. How utterly adorable! I just Love kitties! perhaps you need to get out your extra time clocks

  8. Sorry to let you down, but my cat has thumbs and they don't help in the least:)

    I hope your week gets less crazy...

  9. I have cat assistants too, and although they lack thumbs, they ooze sweetness. It's no contest....they keep their jobs! Give your kitty a hug for me!

  10. Oh, how I love your posts and the accompanying photos. They always bring a smile to my evening! Maybe puss could type wihtout opposable thumbs - as long as you dictate?

  11. Well he can hold the fabric down so it doesn't escape.. And if he falls asleep on your lap... you will sadly have to stay there with a cup of coffee and the book you were reading instead of going manic at the sewing machine.

  12. Such a handsome helper... I'm sure he is A+ at moral support - don't need thumbs for that.

  13. LOL!!!! If all else fail, you will still be the one with the best sense of humour!

  14. Jnr and Busy and I both saw this at the same time. A big chorus of Awwwwwwwwwwww....
    Adorable little helper.

  15. It is all your own fault for having such a flawed employment strategy. My sympathy is limited.
    (but eye candy in the office is always a treat ;-)

  16. Any employee who can make you smile and feel happy inside just by looking at you, is worth their hire, I think. :)

  17. She looks as though she might be quite good at, er, creating that 'frayed' look that's so fashionable nowadays.

  18. That cat would have me begging for mercy - it's just so darn cute!! Sanity?? I don't really see the point :-)

  19. If all else fails, there's always a career in comedy!!

  20. That cat looks like it's the boss and my guess is you're the worker !

  21. Did he say he could sew on his resume? I love the pile of limbs in the back ground.

  22. 'I is supervising. Put down the camera and get back to work.'

  23. At least a cuddle up with that employee wouldnt breach any sexual harassment laws!! Too cute..

  24. the best kind of help in my opinion! I have one similar, with longer hair, but still no thumbs :)

  25. Breath in...breath out! Looks like a willing helper there, maybe he just needs on the job training.

  26. I wouldn't mind a helper in the sewing room that looked like that.

  27. Who needs thumbs when you have such cute help! Pets do that, my dog loves it when I am basting a quilt on the floor, as soon as I turn my back he is lying on it, pins and all, with that knowing look "see I can be good" and "my paws are clean". Undoubtedly.

    Hope you can find your sanity again.


  28. I will send you three monkeys around when they start their 3 weeks holidays on Friday shall I? Very cute pic and I hope it's improving Jodie!

  29. Even if they had thumbs cats wouldn't help with the work. They are way too enlightened for work.

    Keep on it. Use your superwoman powers.

  30. Gosh Jodie, I thought life was like this all the time. What do you do to keep sanity slipping away just occasionally??

  31. Go on.......admit only hired him for his good looks...vbg.

  32. Look how much your kitty has grown! Oh my. He looks like he is a hopeless seamstress (Nell tells me I'm not allowed to say sewer) but I bet he gives excellent pet therapy when you are cranky or stressed. I bet when you pat him him he purrs and seriously, who needs any more help than that?

  33. Just send me an email or text if you ever need some sewing help! I happen to have not one but TWO opposable thumbs and I'm cheap - a couple of bickies, maybe a cup of tea, and I'm yours!

    Although then again, I can't compete with your kitty in terms of cuteness though...


  34. I have the same problem, they're always trying to help though :) stay sane!

  35. If I was close enough I'd lend you mine!

    At least you have excellent moral support :)


  36. yes but kitty helpers can calm you at the same time they irritate you by getting in your way!

    ok I'm totally distracted by watching Animal Cops on Discovery rescuing a tiny little kitten from a wall... oh bless it.. I want a kitten.. *is glared at Starbuck the Lardy and Alys the small*

  37. My cat is so keen on *helping* with sewing, that I have actually snipped her whiskers before now :-O (Don't tell the RSPCA, will you? *blush*) x

  38. Oh my, well be careful... my Great Dane Daisy Mae asks Santa for thumbs every year. The fat man might come through, then we'll all be in trouble!

  39. LOL. Hurry and finish, get your sanity back! Wish I could offer to help, but I think I live too far away. :) Good luck!

  40. Looks like he/she is handy with the tape measure. Don't worry sanity is very overrated! lol

  41. What a beautiful cat helper you have! Just precious!

  42. What a wonderfull cat!
    you just made me smile, thanks!

  43. I have opposable thumbs! And am coming to the crafty night tonight. You going to make it? I am sure you could get helpers there.

  44. Opposable thumbs are very important in an assistant, but in their absence an adorable furry face will do, no?

  45. Oh Jodie I hear you on the losing your sanity thing!

    Hope you found some helpers or at least the sanity has started to return.

  46. Can't wait to see the photos of all those amazing costumes you are creating! I WISH I lived close enough to lend you some thumbs. I'd even bring the chocolate!

  47. you are unofficially voted into "crazy cat lady" incorporated.
    were the cats run the show.....and feature in blogs due to their "i can get away with this cause i'm so cute" cheekiness!

  48. What a photogenic furry cutie

  49. oh why didn't I marry a cat man...adorable! I'd love a helpder like that in my craft room.....


  50. Oh look how much he has grown!

    Have a fabulous holiday in your room - wish I could join you : o )


  51. Sure there is some point that can be made for useful, but cute has to earn you points too

  52. My my my! This kitty sure does know how to do 'Blue Steel'!

  53. Such a gorgeous photo. I LOVE the combination of cats and craft.


Hellloooooo !!!!