Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lower the expectations

For those of you expecting 2 glorious weeks of creative genius, I say lower those expectations........and then maybe lower them again.

The mojo / muse whatever has definitely left the building.
In the past these creative down times used to stress me out unbearably, now, while I still rant and rave against them I am beginning to understand that it just happens and maybe I just need to shift focus for a bit
So yesterday while I tried not to stress about the softie that is just not working
I made some potholders ! The blue and orange ones are for use (made with the tinnie fabric) and the kitcheny ones will go in the "gift box'.

I made five little coin purses from the best coin purse pattern in the world These little guys just need to have their frames added today. I love this pattern of Nikki's and have made heaps of these purses. They are one of my go-to patterns for a quick little gift. These will go into the gift-box as well.

I chilled - totally. Even though I have already read issue 9, yesterday I read it again at the computer and followed all the links and checked out all the blogs. I added more blogs to my reader and popped a few more into the blog roll over on the side. It is a crazy kind of cool to read a magazine that feels like it has been written just for you, with stories that really interest you and articles about people you know, or blog-know. (and yes I am in there as well)

I fiddled a bit on the softie front -

I have no idea who this guy is or where he came from......

I think he needs antlers

Monday, June 29, 2009

The good,

The good involves

a super fun blogmeet at Nikki's last Friday . It was great to catch up with bloggers I know well, bloggers I know a little bit and bloggers whom I hadn't met before. Nikki is definitely the hostess with the mostess - she even had a craft table set up to keep the kids occupied (although for the most part they seemed more interested in the cakey goodness).

an unexpected and delightful gift from the wondrous Tinnie Girl (stay tuned some of that fabric is getting used TODAY) On a side note the tinnies are now an endangered species so if you want one you'd better get moving.

These cute little buttons I bought for absolutely no reason except that they made me laugh. I got them from this great Etsy seller and they arrived from New Zealand in double-quick time.

Piles of supplies, both new

and thrifted

and two glorious weeks of holidays stretched out before me...........

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just because.........

So, with all the crazy Jodie-love thats been going round the place lately,

I thought it was time to turn things around a bit and send out some love.

With the best of intentions I have made you guys a pressie.

Its home-made and hand drawn and quite possible riddled with mistakes
(let me know if it is)

but I got so excited when the idea came to me, that I just had to hurry hurry hurry and get it done.

So , I hope you like it-

Ok , I'll stop blabbling so you can Go and unwrap it !
(oh and yep the one upside-down page was soooo on purpose)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Jofus and lally

and Jofus


and peeking

and searching

and sailing

and dreaming mousey dreams........

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The doing...

Yesterday being my "day of serenity" (i.e the day I don't go to my real job) I went to Melbourne.
I stitched my way there on the train and was met by my Official guide.
I had such a great time! We visited the Buttonmania sale (mmmmm buttons by the kilo) Clegs and of course Tessuti.

We traversed some interesting places, looked in doorways and up alleys, had coffee with another wondrous blogger and talked almost non-stop.
When Sooz had to head back home I ambled about a bit more, walking in the sun and smiling away to myself like some kind of village idiot.

I bought the most delicious wools for softies at both Tessuti and Clegs and have plopped them in the sewing room where they can sing little their little softie-to-be songs to me while I work.
So far that killer green is singing of froggies....

Today I hung about in the cold and finished up a few bits and pieces before I turned my attention to the impaled softie heads. I have been brain-bubbling away on this little guy for a while , so today he got a body
and some curious little paws

He is destined to be a special present...and tomorrow he will be remade in the not-practice fabric, given some more details and by early next week, ready to go - quite possibly also grinning like a village idiot!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Out on the razzle

This Saturday, the frock is heading out and boy is she happy about it.
She'll be heading over to the Quilt hanging at Ashburton.

She'll be there, for your inspection if you would like to pop over and check her out.

The quilt Hanging is to raise funds to get some gorgeous quilts quilted and ready to give to those affected by the horrific Victorian bush fires.

Jan from Sewjourn has organised so much and done a great job getting people involved.

There will be scones and jam and cream available to have with your tea or coffee.
You can buy a raffle ticket for your chance to win a quilt (AND the winner gets to choose between two different and equally beautiful quilts)
There will be over 40 quilts on display - many of which are a collaboration of more than one person’s work, many of which are pieced together from ’stashes’.

There will be a display of the amazing Kellie’s work!!!! 3 of Kellie’s incredible quilts in person and some of her cushions as well.

(This photo of Kellie's work has been blatantly stolen form the sewjourn blog)

11am - 4.30pm
LightHouse, Ashburton Uniting Church
3-7 Ashburn Grove, Ashburton, Vic, 3147
Gold coin donation entry.
All proceeds go towards professional quilting of Bushfires Quilts

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mrs Big-head

Hi there guys Mrs Big Head here today coming to you from The Weekly Times.

If you have popped in to find out more about crafting or blogging or crafty blogging I'd like to say Hi, I'm Jodie and I'm pleased to meet you !

I started this blog way back in 2007 as a way to keep track of what I was making and also to join in the crafty/blogging community that I had been following and reading. I could see the fun that bloggers seemed to have sharing their projects and asking for (and getting) tips and hints and help from other crafters. I saw people organise swaps and blogmeets and create great on-line and real-life friendships.....and I wanted to be a part of it.

What I didn't know then was just how much I would love blogging, and how important it would become to me. I have made so many friends, both on-line and in real life through blogging. I have taken part in some great blogmeets and of course the Stitches and Craft show earlier this year. Without the encouragement and support that all the people who visit my blog give me, there would never have been a Selvedge dress, or a craft clock, or doll patterns , or Parsley and Beet. So while I say Hi and Welcome to anyone popping in for the first time - I really want to say thanks to all the readers, commentors and lurkers who inspire me every day to get off my ever-expanding butt and put some of my crazier ideas to the test!

If you have no idea about any of this bloggy stuff, please don't feel like you have arrived late at a party.....join in, leave a comment, make a suggestion- Blogland is a huge place and you will be sure to find someone just as crazily obsessed with a particular craft as you are. Over on the side bar, down toward the bottom -you'll see the Big Blog roll - that would be a great place to get started-just pick one you like the name of , and click away! Or if I have baffled you totally, Just click on view my profile and you can shoot me an email. I'm not a blogging expert by any means , but I'll give it my best shot!

Who knows you may even want to start a blog of your very own !

What have you got to lose - I'll whip up a cake while you pop the kettle on.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Extremely late 30's

I bought a new present for the sewing room today.

It means I will be able to sew later than 6pm.

It means my hand sewing should improve

It means I won't confuse blue and green

it means I won't have to go outside for accurate colour matching.....

It means I am getting old.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

project Dog

Tuesday night - 4 degrees. Old smelly dog with very short hair.

One felted jumper from felted jumper stash and four strips of velcro + 10 mins sewing

= one very deconstructed dog coat.

warm dog

I am the Martha Stewart of stinky dog-land

Monday, June 8, 2009

Big fat nothin'

Elephants still naked?

Dollies still disjointed in plastic bags?

disembodied softie heads still impaled on knitting needles ?

That's right - nothing to see here folks, move along - nothing to see.