Do you love your postman?

If you find your letterbox empty do you scan the street to see if anyone else has visible mail to determine if he's been yet?

Do you understand the difference in his timetable from day to day -(always later on Fridays)?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions I guess you are an online shopper / craft swapper.
The first two pictures are my beautiful presents from a little swap I joined with Luv Abby. What I didn't take a photo of (its hard to take a picture of your own arm) is the signature !! Yes my delicious arm warmers read Ric on one and Rac on the other - Man I feel so cool! (you know in a 38 yr old librarian kind of way)
Abby also generously sent along some gorgeous ribbons and trims and fabrics- I feel a bit spoilt to be honest - Thanks so much Abby. Knitting in any form amazes me , but these are so detailed with special curly cables on them - it must have taken you ages !
The other picture are of felt bought on Ebay and gorgeous little mushies from The craftsy shop
Of course none of these things actually came from the postman personally , but in the age of online shopping, with all the parcels that get delivered (yes a lot of them a squishy and deceptively fabric-like) he seems to get some credit by default .
So I salute the postman !
I love it when he brings letters,
I love it even more when he brings parcels.
In fact I should be happy he even stops at our house, considering Mr Ric Rac accidentally ran over his predecessor!
( Don't worry, he is fine and now delivers Flowergarden's mail)
I know exactly how you feel. I heard the little putt putt today so I ran out to my letterbox to find.......nothing! Not even a bill. I had to go back inside and have a choc chip cookie to cheer my self up again!
ReplyDeleteI love my postman too - but not on the days when he doesn't bring me anything at all! Sadly I missed the rather gorgeous one that delivers parcels when he called with my Amazon order - I still got the parcel but just missed seeing him!!!! (Don't tell Mr Locket I said that!)
ReplyDeleteDo you know, we don't HAVE the putt-putt in the States?? They either drive in cars with steering wheels on the wrong side of the car (much like over here in Oz! :P) or else they we get good at hearing the telltale slam of the mailbox door, and then the motor revving off!! Or else just haning out the window with an eye peeled, lol.
ReplyDeleteOoh yes, online shopping has improved my letterbox no end; it's now mostly bills with an occasional ray of sunshine!
ReplyDeleteI just lurv those wrist warmers.
You are spot on!!! If only those posties knew what eagerly awaited treasures they were carrying!!!
ReplyDeleteWe have a post office box, so don't get excited by the vvvvt vvvvt of the postman. However we do excited by little cards in our post box, and when we walk in the post office to retrieve our mail, the girls behind the counter get all excited about what we have had sent to us!
ReplyDeleteMakes it as exciting as the sound of the postman coming!
Oh that was funny the day we saw YOUR old postie delivering our mail - hee hee heeee. I had a surprise tonight from Oz quilting Tracey which was very exciting. Got to love the postie!
ReplyDeleteOh yes, the postie and me are great friends. He knows where to hide my mail so I don't have to collect it from the post office if I'm out (but I am usually in waiting for him), and he even knows that he can sign for signed for ones himself without me moaning, and give the mail to Leo (who usually opens the door himself).
ReplyDeleteI am actually more in love with the guy who delivers my parcels in a van - I seem to have more luck with him than the postman! But I do know what you mean about hearing the little motor bike and feeling that rush of adrenalin as you walk out to see what he has left you!!!
ReplyDeleteLove your arm warmers - so cute.
Where I live, I listen for the sound of the postman's tread on our gravel drive. The 'crunch, crunch' sound announces his arrival and if I don't hear the squeak of our metal mailbox being opened, I know I will soon hear the doorbell ring as he's brought a parcel.
ReplyDeleteYou've been receiving some lovely things via the postman. Lucky you!
I have a post LADY and she rides a bicycle, but yes, I love to hear the click of the porch door! You had some lovely things there - well done! x
ReplyDeletelol...I answered yes to way too many of those questions! Great packages you lucky lady!
ReplyDeleteWow what a great swap this was... I am glad you loved your treasures as much as i loved getting them together.
ReplyDeleteluv Ab
I love my postie 99.9% of the time... .1% hate??? the day he brings my mastercard bill.. uh oh!
ReplyDeleteOK, I gotta ask.. your DH ran over the postie?? theres a story and a half there I am thinkin'!
I'm so happy to hear I am not the only one with this postman addiction.
ReplyDeleteour postman is always earlier on Fridays - I think he knocks off early and goes to the pub. Or online craft shopping, you never know.
ReplyDeleteI find it extra confusing because so many random people are driving postie bikes these days. Is that the postie - no, just some unimportant person.
ReplyDeleteYou know, though, that librarians are the coolest, right? Just thought I should clarify. Everyone else pales in comparison.
I love my postie too! But in a purely platonic, non-physical way, natch.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you could start a self-help group for crafters who are postie dependent?
Fab goodies from your postie .... I mean Luv Abby!
LOL! You are too funny! I do know my mailmans schedule as well..... Especially since if I'm not at home I get a note saying I can pick up my package at the post office the next day!!! I hate that! Not having to pick it up myself, that's okay, but having to wait an entire day! Hate that!
ReplyDeleteI love my postie too, but even more the parcel guy! He leaves my parcels in places he knows i will find them so I don't have to go to the post office to collect them when i am not home! And when i do run into him at the PO sometimes he says "Oh hi Mrs Burns"! Cracks me up every time, like in a little country town where everyone knows everyone.
ReplyDeleteoh no your hubby ran over the postman???!!! yikes!!!
I'm not sure about our postie he rides his motor bike on our lawn which is struggling to survive as it is I can see you have got some lovely blogging goodness though. Still smiling with the image in my head of a squashed postman.
ReplyDeleteI not only love my postman, but have been married to him for 20 years! �
ReplyDeleteMine's a lady and she's great. But she's afraid of my tiny dog! haha Oh well.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the postie! but there is nothing worse than when he comes and delivers nothing. I am waiting on some fabric so maybe just maybe there will be a surprise today when I get home.....
ReplyDeletewhat gorgeous gloves!!! Isn't Abby just so clever when it comes to knitting?? Those little mushrooms are so cute!!! I might have to get me some... ;)
My postman must think I'm quite mad as I'm always lurking behind the door ready to grab any parcels he may have for me!! He does look taken aback at this grinning loon of a woman who gets overexcited at the smallest parcel!!
ReplyDeleteYour mail is rather gorgeous! Beautiful wrist warmers and I love those little wrist warmers :)
Beware, alien invaders in your post have been warned!!!!
Yes to all questions!
ReplyDeleteI usually scare my postman by sprinting out to meet him before he can put anything in the letterbox!
i love my postman too! but to honest, he doesn't stop often enough. perhaps i should start buying again. i'd hate for him to get bored on the job!!
ohhh, yes im with you there, i hear the dogs barking up the street then i know he's not far.
ReplyDeleteSarah x
Seriously, I think I have some sort of mailbox disorder.... I check mine at least 12 times a day whether I've heard the postie or not!!! Wow can't believe I just admitted that! Guess I'll have to join more swaps!
ReplyDeleteYes, my parcel delivery postie knows me by name. I love seeing that little van pull up with yet another parcel! Yay! The poor motorbike ordinary mail postie doesn't get half the attention from me - he mainly brings bills!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the postman too, well more what he represents. It is sad, but I do know the schedule, and if it has been rainy he's later, and if it's a friday they are later, and Saturdays are earlier. So sad. With all my excitement, you would think I actually got real mail. Nope, mostly junk. sigh...
ReplyDeleteI love my postie too, he signs for my parcels and we have 2 deisgnated hiding places for parcels when I'm not in. If we are in he knocks on the door so he can present my little boy with his CBeebies comic which of course he loves, getting your own post when you are 2 is VERY important
ReplyDeleteTwiggy x
I love this post! I am a bit addicted to ordering on etsy and from different fabric sites, so yes, I stalk my mailman! I'm actually stalking him right now since I was expecting some etsy purchases today and they weren't there. Sometimes he comes back around with my packages...sneaky guy!
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, the same passionate relationship here!! Even though i get concerned he thinks it is all drugs!!
ReplyDeleteLove the resin beads, looked like fun...and adore the sign for the sewing room, I was going to clean today, may just make a sign instead!! Tracey
I'm so relieved to see that I'm not the only one, that hangs out in the street, scanning others mail boxes to see if the postie has been or not.
ReplyDeleteI love getting parcels. Its exciting having things arrive in the mail.
The little mushrooms are adorable, and the arm warmers look fantastic!
I love my postman. My kid is like him. It's joke, of course!
ReplyDeleteFunny, I love my postman too!! I wonder if they realize how much love they have in the crafting world???
ReplyDeleteoh those mitts are so gorgeous Abby has done such a beautiful job! and yes I love the postman too I love looking out after I have heard the bike and the letterbox can't quite shut!!!!
ReplyDeleteYep, I get so excited about the mail. I run out to meet the postman when he comes...he probably thinks I have a 'thing' for him. haha
ReplyDeleteYou got some Great parcels!
Love those arm warmers.
Kimberly :)
Are you kidding! My postie broke my mail box the other day trying to stuff my parcels in like he usually does. He needs more respect for out of control shoppers! found me out.I am an online shopper and love the sound of my mailbox (I can hear the lid falling down esspecially with BIG parcels)!love this post.xoxo
ReplyDeletethis is so funny...yep I do the same..he must think I'm mad he always seems to catch me covered in bits of threads and either holding a paint brush, knitting needle, pins or weeds and laughs as I try to scribble my initials onto his little digital, what ever that thing is!
ReplyDeleteOver the past 12 years we have always had odd-looking, beardy, zinc-cream smothered posties.
ReplyDeleteNo put-put, on the bike!
ALWAYS late on Mondays, early on Fridays.