He had the kids in hysterics, each time he waved his hand (or anything else ) by his head , the hearing aid started sqweeblebroxpopping like crazy. Of course Grandma got cross and told him off so he rolled his eyes behind her back and sent the kids off into peals off giggles again. It was all very relaxed really , apart from the shouted conversations and Grandma telling everyone off (for being too jolly perhaps?)

Yesterday was quiet so I gave myself a quick project , it has been in the brain pipeline for ages. The bag is made from canvas from spotlight so is quite heavy duty. I have lined it and put in a covered templastic base for a bit more support. I am thinking it might be good to keep in the car so I can use it at the shops? or the library? or just into the stash with all the others?

I have a few more images like this one - Isn't she gorgeous? I scanned the magazine cover and then printed it out on that plastic backed fabric that can go through the printer. I'm sorry I have used it all so can't tell you what it is called but I think it is pretty readily available.

wow ! who woulda thunk it?
Or number 38. Ideal for the hostess: glue tiny shells to plastic or wooden toothpicks and use when serving hors d'oevres or small sandwiches or cakes.
AHA !!! Now if only I had glued some tiny shells onto toothpicks and stabbed them into the food, Christmas day would have been perfect.