A wee while ago I got an email from Chloe of Penguin Books, asking if I would like to review a craft book.
Books and craft? way to make a librarian crafter's heart flutter !
Last week I
received Toni Cowards book, Make it Perfect and it is a seriously delicious craft book featuring 21 women's and
children's clothing patterns.
At first glance the book is very well bound (trust a librarian to notice) . It folds out so that the book part with the instructions sits perfectly flat-important if you are following instructions while sitting at the machine. There are also heaps of diagrams to illustrate anything mildly tricky.
The pattern pieces, in a variety of sizes, are all folded in an envelope at the back and they are printed individually so none of that annoying printed over the top of each other rubbish.
You guys know I am not a garment sewer but I have read through a couple of the patterns completely and they seem so easy. The language is simple and straightforward and there is some helpful hints at the start as well as a really nice intro .
I especially loved that Toni thanked all her pattern testers . Bonus points for that ! and she mentions waking her kids up to get them to try on her designs !!
I'd buy this book for someone just venturing into garment making, or even for someone who already makes clothes but wants to lift their clothes to another level.
So, If you would like this book, just leave a comment - no jumping through hoops, no extra bonus bookface points, just a comment !