(With tongue firmly in cheek)
I am here to talk to you today about giving, spreading joy, lightening other peoples load......
It fills me with joy to know that sometimes my blog cheers people up, and makes them smile. It gladdens my heart that I can provide a little flicker of light in a darkened world. That this tiny portal into my perfect, rarefied existence helps people through their day....
In the spirit of self sacrifice and in an effort to lighten your day, I have to share with you all, my friends, one piece of information.
Yesterday I had to buy a new oven.OK Go on, fall about laughing, piss yourself, snort hot tea out your noses.....make jokes at my expense.....
I deserve it! and you know I'd do the same to you !
It would seem it is not best practice , when confronted with a sea of bubbly blue lava at the bottom of ones oven, to place oneself amidst the possible deadly fumes and try and scoop, spoon, spatula and woman-handle the molten burning hot lava out of the oven.... No ! It is best, apparently, to immediately cool the oven (how exactly???) and let the said molten lava reset before removing it. My slightly hysterical excavation of the blue chopping board burial site, caused said molten lava to access areas of the under-oven blue molten lava should not access.
I suspect we shouldn't have eaten the roast either.....