Sunday, April 8, 2012


For a weird sleeveless floppy thing, this garment took me forever. I would love to be one of those people that can whip up a wearable garment in a flash, and I kind of feel like I should be able to do it but I am not finding my toy-making skills are all that transferable. This is unchartered territory folks.floppything1

Have you ever tried to do armhole binding with a knit fabric ? I invented at least ten new swear words attempting that and one is still thicker than the other.

I know its all about learning, I just wish I could learn faster, that weird little only-attached-at-the-top flippy floppy pocket took me three tries and hours of brain work. floppything pocket



I learnt that given enough fabric it is sometimes easier to recut a piece than to unpick.

Unpicking an over locked seam will drive you insane.

Knits roll and expand and contract in ways that continually surprise.(and not in a nice way)

Sometimes buying a sewing pattern really will make things easier


and I learnt that twitter is an invaluable sewing resource.


  1. You did very well - Knit is an entirely different beast.

    We should compare swear words to see which are the most effective - an older lady I used to help sew wedding dresses & ball gowns for used to say it's all in the way you hold your tongue....she was known to swear aswell.

    Hope you're having a lovely Easter & the Bunny was kind. x

  2. I don't sew clothes... I figure by the time I buy fabric, pattern and time less frustrating to buy something.. I do call on a seamstress from time to time to do hems and smells dance costumes.. My sewing machine gts used for fun and te occasional mending... I make up swear words too....used bartritch a lot this morning....

  3. You're a brave lassie! Cherrie

  4. Yep, never overlock until you are sure it is all ok. I have been sewing knit fabric today, it does give you the shits sometimes.

  5. You are doing great Jodie. A tip my mum gave me when sewing with knits was to use a light fusible interfacing when using as a binding, as it helps keep it where you want it and not stretch.

    Happy Easter.

  6. Love that pocket...I think you're doing really well. Happy Easter!

  7. there is a straight line of thread that is holding the loops down. once you cut that every 3 stitches or so, the whole thing should (SHOULD) just come away. Takes a bit of practice though.

    try stitching with multi colour threads on fabric that they'll show up til you see how the stitches are made.

    I get just that frustrated trying to sew wee toy bits, they don't turn through nicely and my stuffing is always lumpy!

  8. Yep, totally beyond my skills. It's gorgeous though.

  9. Awesome!! I was going to try to make a simple little bandanna out of knit fabric but now I am having second thoughts and may just cut up an old t-shirt. Keep going I love it! When all else fails eat another Easter Egg ;-)

  10. yep, i dont really enjoy sewing clothes, love to sew but not clothes. speaking of sewing, I made gulliver for a friend last week, he was a delight to construct.. I will be making more for sure!

  11. Knit fabric is always challenging, but also very forgiving. It looks great with the new skirt too!

  12. You do jump in at the deep end, don't you? I wouldn't have been bothered with those detailed pockets....

    I think you need to spend a day with Catherine, Lara and me.... and your overlocker. There are lots of easy ways to do things and knits are much more forgiving than the fabrics you're used to.

  13. Knit covers all the evils - slippery, stretchy, curls, springs & doesn't an overlocker love nom nom nomming on the unusual texture. I change the needles to ball point, only way i don't end up crying & inventing new swear words too!! Unpicking overlocking, hmmm, let me see, i think i'm patient but let's just say i trim it off, making whatever i'm creating smaller & smaller, just breath in, then again, you lose weight sweating over the damn sewing so it's a win win.
    Happy wrestling the next knit fabric project, your first attempt is pretty fabulous me lady, love Posie

  14. Hello fellow readers! Miss RicRac has a hashtag going on at Just post your tweets to: #soundofmyteenageyears and they will all be posted in one spot for others to read.

    Come on ladies!! hashtags are fun! ;p

  15. I seldom sew on knits but certainly they have been accompanied by swear words and, on occasion, throwing the item across the room. However, since knits are soft they don't make any pleasing thump or noise to match the throw! Love your little sweater and think it looks just wonderful as is!

  16. I have only ever sewn knit once and it was an interesting experience! I have been too scared to try again since then.

  17. I like your blog.
    Corina from germany

  18. Love this .... really nice. I've often thought I'd love a top like this ..... something nice and casual, but looks dressy. Something to cover a multitude of sins in my case ...LOL..

  19. Yeah, unpicking serged seams is a great time to practice all your swearwords. I did that yesterday. And then felt kind of guilty it being Easter morning and all... but also, it being Easter morning and her dress still wasn't entirely finished I think that changed things a bit... :

    Also, those pockets are pretty freaking awesome. Love them!

  20. Wow, the kids did amazing work! Congrats to a fine teacher and fine pattern!!


Hellloooooo !!!!