Saturday, June 5, 2010

Something for you !

I got an email recently , asking about a bag I had published in a magazine a few years ago. The person had the pattern piece but no instructions....
I had almost forgotten this bag existed !
So I made a couple and wrote up some instructions

and on this foggy and freezing Saturday morning I thought its about high time I gave you guys a little present. If you pop on over to the sidebar, and if you already have a bit of tulle laying around your place (and access to a photocopier) you could have this bag finished in less time than it took me to get the bloody upload to work !


  1. I adore this little bag and I know a few little girls around my way who adore it even more!

  2. Brilliant, Jodie - thank you for this. If I get myself going, it will be my Kiwi niece Olivia's 3rd birthday present - if I don't get myself going, it will be her fourth - or fifth - or .... Hope you are having a good weekend despite the crappy weather. I am still getting over my stinky cold so it's the couch, hot chocolate, books and telly this afternoon - it's not all bad!

  3. How adorable for Dance gear!! Mentally trying to figure out a riding gear version for my daughter :)


  4. Busy would wet er pants if i made her this... on the to do list. thanks for sharing. Jodi. x

  5. Funniest bag I have ever seen.
    Don't show my 4-year-old.
    She'll INSIST on having one.

  6. Funny? I thought it was "dead cute" and wish Sarah was a little ballet girl all over again. Reports signed OFF!

  7. Sooo adorable. Might give it a go for my niece!

  8. How very generous of you, Jodie! I guess the bag looks more difficult than it actually is. Gorgeous!

  9. Gorgeous, I think young Jaida would love carrying her ballet things around in this bag each Saturday morning :) Thank you so much, Mel xox

  10. Fantastic Jodie. My kids (and their ballerina friends) will be very excited to get these as pressies. And yes, I have yards and yards of tulle. How did you know?! (and thanks to the person who asked you to upload the pattern too.)

  11. You are tutu generous ! Very cute !

  12. Tutu cute! Thanks very much - will have fun putting one of them over my arm and taking it to the next guild meeting ;)

  13. My daughter would have loved this when she was little and in ballet class!

  14. thanks for the machine offer!! i'd better not let my girl see that bag, she is tutu crazy (today was purple tutu day). must organise that op shop trip too.

  15. Love it :D, my little cousin may well be getting one when I go visit

  16. Wish I could think of someone to make this for!

  17. Oh, how cute! Thanks so much, I snagged the download for future use, Jodie.

    Cute little bag, very fun!

  18. So this is what the well dressed ballerina carries! It's adorable, and how very cool that you're been in the pattern business so much longer than we all thought. There's that fame thing again. :>}

  19. Oh my Lordy - my little girl is going to go made for this bag!! Thanks so much for the pattern, I'm off to get some tulle!

  20. Thanks Jodie, I know 3 little girls who would adore this bag now i just need to find those elusive hours to make it. Very generous of you.

  21. Helloooooooo to you too Jod!

    I remember the pattern in the magazine sweetie - I have it in my "to do" folder!!! It's a lovely project, I hadn't realised it was you!! Are there any other magazine projects I've missed of yours?! I'm currently making the house of animals bag (soz if that's not the right name - my Rosie has nicked off with the photo coz she loves it so much... every 5 mins she's back saying "is it ready yet?" One cat made so far and fabrics chosen! Wonderfully-written pattern, Jod. :-)

    Hope you're having a great weekend... Monday tomorrow eh? Blah!

    Hugs!! Vikki xoxo

  22. This is so adorable. I'm saving the pattern in hopes of one day my daughter will be married and have a little girl. Thanks so much for the free download. Have a great Sunday!

  23. Very cute! The colour certainly makes a huge difference.

  24. "Forgot it existed"??!!!!!

    Are you on drugs? ;)

    It's awesome!

  25. OHHHH if you only knew me you would say this is sewwwwwwwww pure in fact lol...thank you for the pattern, I will be making it TODAY and I will link everyone here to see yours...what a blessing you are this morning...
    Madame Samm at
    ps. you are on my bloglist too(both of them)

  26. Ok, seriously, that is the cutest thing I've seen maybe ever. Going to download now! I've got neices in ballet that need a bag to tote their things to and fro. Thank you!

  27. ohhhh, i must make this for my goddaughter! she'll be thrilled :-)))

  28. My daughter and I SO need to make those -- thanks for making the pattern available!

  29. Awe! Those are really cute. Perfect for little girls. :) Sweet!

  30. These are so gorgeous. I would have made these for my girls in a flash for their ballet lessons but, alas, they are now too old and grungy for such lovely, girly bags. Drat! You are very generous, as usual, and I might make one for my little great niece because one must be made. x

  31. Hi Jodie!! thanks for your beautiful gif...I love your works!!
    Please, I invite you to my blog, you will see your idea!! My little girls are happy with their ballet bag...

    Please, forgive my bad english...I hope that you can know my words.

    AsunciĆ²n, Paraguay
    South America

  32. Just lovely! Thanks for sharing! I've posted a link and yours has made this week's top 10 most popular, and will be featured in this week's newsletter! Great job!

  33. That is too cute! Can't wait to show it to a friend of mine who likes to sew for her grandbabies! Cute cute cute! Just what was needed for this winter day!


Hellloooooo !!!!