Thursday, April 8, 2010

its growing......

My last post got me thinking about Stitches and Craft last year and how much fun it was. I remember Eleanor dancing in the restaurant at a dinner that Sooz organised. (I met half the blog nation at that dinner)

I remember being so intimidated by the Ink and Spindle team that I didn't speak to them until about day three and I broke the ice by feeding them muesli bars and cheesey dippers. (and yes I was a total dickhead - they are awesome!)

This year I am going to catch up with Kristen, she was my neighbour last year and is a super favourite friend.

- her screen prints are delicious ! and she is one of the most unflappable people I think I have ever met.

I'm also keen to grab me goodies from Lisa who I met at Sydney Stitches last year.
have you seen anything cuter?

My own spending might just re-boost the whole economy...

and you know that think that I thunk this morning at 3.27am.... well obviously , the answer is darts !!!

I'll keep you posted.


  1. Yes. Definitely keep me posted.

    Locket? HA!

    btw word verification is 'dicided'. I love it when Fate comes along and serve things at you straight between the eyes.

  2. Darts? = Is that the one where you throw starp objects at your children until they do what you ask them?

  3. Thinking tag is gold.

    Looking forward to your dartish something.

  4. Mwahahahaha - You think a lot more, and with a higher quality - than you give yourself credit for my dear!

    I simply cannot wait for Stitches & Craft... I have been waiting since last year...! I'm ditching The Punk with her daddy, staying at a hotel, maybe even going to see a show...

    ...aaah, it's a wonder I'm not kept up at night by the excitement of it all! I will pop by & say HULLO! fo'shizzle.

    Hmmmm... darts eh? Can't wait to see!

  5. thank you thank you thank you, I got the sheet pre-Easter, and it's sitting there taunting me. Thank you so much, you're the bomb! You're Mahatma Ghandi, You're Napoleon Brandy ,You're the top! x

  6. I'm assuming that would be the sewn kind, not the little pointy things that are usually thrown at round boards!! LOL

  7. Are we talking the make way for boobies kind of darts or the polyester shirt / beer drinking in pub variety?
    Either's good with me.

  8. hmmmm darts? you got your most hated pinned to a board ready for the dart/s???


  9. Oh yes - the dinner where I was so talked out after three days at the show I just sat and ate and ... ummmm... watched you talking! ;)

    How many weeks have we got to go...?

  10. Are you having a stall? It sounds like your just visitng everyone one for 4 days...and I was too intimidated to say hi to you last year! I'd go to do it...and someone would come and grab you, so I walked off. Silly heehee

  11. Are you having a stall? It sounds like your just visitng everyone one for 4 days...and I was too intimidated to say hi to you last year! I'd go to do it...and someone would come and grab you, so I walked off. Silly heehee

  12. Excitement plus! Wish I was going

  13. Those darts will keep you up at night.

  14. Oh that middle of the night thunking is often very fruitful!

    L x

  15. Darts. A great answer. Now, dickhead is another story altogether. Maybe this is a difference in our cultures? Usually that word is used to indicate a person of ... well, let's just say, not your gender??? We have other equally flattering slang for females! ;-)

  16. Harrumph. Really bummed that I'm not going to get there this year. Can you please, please reserve for me one of everything?

  17. I'm with Gina. I feel so left out and sand that we won't be able to go this year. I can't believe that it was only 1 year ago that the last one was on (well, it feels like the shortest year, where so much has happened and also the longest year where so much has happened). I love Stitches + Craft Show. Have fun.
    {I was intimidated by Ink + Spindle girls too, they're like royalty... didn't realise they were so nice. I think I was in awe of everyone there, and didn't know how to converse with such amazingly talented bloggy crafty sort of people}.
    Keep us up with the latest goss, please.


Hellloooooo !!!!