Friday, February 15, 2008

My actual space

If a tidy space reveals a tidy mind........

It is a wonder my head hasn't exploded.


  1. ain't got nothing on me. i can barely walk in my studio right now. wanna come over? :)

  2. It just means you have a very creative mind!

  3. ooohhh,
    that would drive me nuts,

    I am an anal retentive clean up after myself person

    I wish i could be free like this, enjoy the inspiration.

    You have some wonderful things to play with, thanks for sharing

  4. Looks like quite the bright cheerful place to craft. Never mind the clutter, you should see my room. :)

  5. Jodie
    I say " I am creative, you can't expect me to be neat too".. housework is VERY over rated.. VERY...


  6. I think that as long as the kitchen is clean then just close all the other doors so you can't see the mess. Only trouble is that it's really hard to sew anything when the sewing machine & table is covered in junk (which is very frequent).
    By the way, I really like your wall colour!

  7. I'm a messy one, too -

    I just throw shit around willy nilly, letting it get way out of control, and then every Monday afternoon I clean it up again. And it stays clean. For about three seconds.

    At least if I tidy it up once a week, I can avoid the head-exploding thing......

    I like yours - it's colourful and interesting - probably just like you!

    Leah xx

  8. It just means you are in full creative production mode and full of good ideas!

  9. My son has just asked me what that big 'sign' at the top of your page is? I said 'RicRac'. 'Oh! Does that mean messy?'
    Aaaah! Bless 'im!

    I don't know how he would even recognise if something was messy - your work room looks like my every room!

  10. oh jodie i love you even more ,if thats possiable!a crafting space to rival my own!

  11. ha ha ha - looks just like mine - but brighter!

  12. My room had been looking awfully similar to yours lately. Must be a creative mind hard at work!
    I love the color of your walls!

  13. lol, should I send you a photo of my mess? the price of creativity! sometimes my last effort is looking in the basement for a laundry basket and sweeping everything on the worktable into the biggest one. after a cup of coffee the table looks better and I am ready to fold and rearrange.

  14. I have to agree with Trashalou here, your work room looks like my every room too! But I need to be messy to give me time to be creative! Lucy x

  15. well, I already loved you, and now I love you EVEN MORE (but not in a creepy way, promise). my husband calls my craft space "the hell pit"

  16. My "area" is messy like that too! There is much moving about and rearranging when I want to sew. I love your shelves.

  17. I worry about tidy people - they must have too much time on their hands!!!! ;)

  18. Oh my, and I thought mine was bad!
    Did you see the bucket I made with your fabulous tutorial - its on the thriftygoodness blog - Thank you for sharing your talent,love to make them!

  19. Creativity needs a 'relaxed' atmosphere in which to develop. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it. My room often looks far worse than that! x

  20. I love it ... it makes me want to create something....

  21. Sometimes the joy of a messy workspace is that you uncover something "forgotten" under all the stuff.It can also be frustrating, but that doesn't stop me from making creative mayhem.(nice way of saying a bloody mess)
    Thanks for the heads up on the giveaway!

  22. I love it! Looks like you have been busy. My crafting space is usually a mess, but it looks strange if its all clean.

  23. What is the saying...a clean desk is a sign of a dull mind? You are obviously very creative. (so am I, according to my very messy desk which is tidy only between projects.

  24. You also got nothing on me and that is why I am stunted right now! Looks find to me. As long as I works for you love!
    Melissa xxxxxxxxxxx

  25. We sure have a lot in common! Love your space. I can get mine to look like that too- in about 4 minutes of creativity... Happy weekend.

  26. Mine is like this but in various piles around the house! I LOVE the colour of the wall - fabulous!!

  27. Jodie, isn't it nice to know we are not alone with our creative spaces. Oh to find so many kindred spirits!

  28. .... watch out .... it could happen at any moment ....


  29. Mmmm something very familiar there.

  30. I feel your pain. Don't you hate it when it takes you ten minutes to look for your scissors, and ten minutes to look for your scissors, and ten minutes to look for that spool of thread....and then it's time to go to bed!

  31. You have been kissed by the craft fairy.

  32. You have a great blog, I find you sailing in the net. I love your work, so creative, it's really great. Congratulations. I will visit you! Saludos desde Barcelona!

  33. What are you doing taking photos of my space and posting it on your blog?

    Hmmmm? Oh that's your space?

    Could have sworn it was mine!

  34. That looks like a perfect and very inspirational craft room to me!!! I love the colour on your walls.

    If I tidy up I can't bear to do anything in case I mess it up. Therefore, best to keep everywhere in a state of disarray to ensure the creativity thrives ;)


  35. Bright and cheery colors, Don't worry about the mess, I tend to get cluttered at times myself. Then I just step back and focus on cleaning it up. I always find new things to use that I forgot about :)


Hellloooooo !!!!