Tuesday, January 15, 2008

stark raving bonkers

I have decided that there has been something in the water of blogland lately and people have gone a bit bonkers.

Firstly lovely Christine of Aunties Quaint Quilts gave me an award- the “you make my day” award.

Hot on her heels the esteemed Angela of Cottage Magpie awarded me the " I Less-than-three your Blog!

Now this one had me confused for a while but if you look at <3>

The ever crazy-in a good way- Lucy of Lucy Locket recycle her pocket then awarded me the “You're an amazing blogger”

I certainly do not feel I deserve any of these awards but I am very touched and quite surprised to receive them nonetheless.
I tell you there are days no-one in my vicinity “hearts” me, I am not making anyone’s day and am certainly not amazing. The fact that you guys thought that , even if it was only in some split (wine –induced for Lucy) second makes me feel a bit pretty good.

In the spirit of the awards I am passing them on to a few others. I won't go on about how hard this is because I know anyone who has tried to choose a favourite blog at any time knows it is almost impossible.

You're an amazing blogger

Amazing bloggers abound, but I am repeatedly amazed by the amount of projects Lara at Thornberry is able to produce. She gives great pattern tips and is a master of so many skills. Her work is amazing. Sooz at Soozs big adventure because she has more than once made me snort my morning cup of tea out my nose in laughter and always has me nodding along as I read.

I Less-than-three your blog!

Blogs I heart, there are so many. I heart Good-ness for its beauty, Monkee maker for its humour and Stomper Girl because although she doesn't know it but it was her little badge that made me join bloglines - and her blog is full of real life and blood and tap-dancing.

I heart Elsie Marley and Pea soup and Around the traps and my dear friend Annie at Flower garden
You make my day:

Without getting soppy and really not being able to just add every blog in my bloglines folder....I want to say it's you , yes you, everyone who pops in and says hi or just lurks and leaves a little dot on the map (when it is working) that make my day.

I truly never expected that anyone would find this little bit of cyberspace let alone want to pull up a chair and stay for a bit - I am amazed, grateful for and slightly bewildered by every visitor and every comment...
Thankyou, you make my day!

Now I am off to take my big fat swollen head back into the loungeroom where "the quilt" lies mocking me from the floor.


  1. Nothing like a little mocking from your handmade products to bring a girl crashing back to earth!

    Congrats on all your well-deserved awards.

  2. congratulations on your triumvarate of awards. I've only been around blogland for a short while but it looks like you deserve them. And thank you for the award back to "lurkers et al" - it's my first blogosphere prize and I will treasure it always!

  3. Hello Jodie - thank you so much for stopping by my place. I have a little confession to make ... I've been reading your blog for a little while now, but only lurked *blush*. I feel dirty now *blush again*.

    I love your work, and that green and white quilt you have in progress had me drooling over my keyboard (it's not attractive, I know). It's a pleasure to meet you, and I won't be so reticent to comment in future - I promise!

    Take care. x

  4. Just so you know - it was you mentioning you had conquered bloglines that made me go off and do the same!

    For which much thanks (no awards alas) - you have saved me HOURS a day!!

  5. Very well deserved awards Jodie, even if Locket's was helped along with the odd glass or two!
    Hope you get to tell the quilt who's boss!!
    Lesley x

  6. Maybe there should also be a "You Make Me Snort Tea Out of My Nose" award - because your blog has had this effect on me as well. Which I actually appreciate!!!


  7. Thats sounds like my kind of award - the "you make me snort tea out of my nose" award. I know I'd be honoured to recieve it.

  8. Oh well you've just made my day too! Thankyou and congratulations on receiving THREE awards yourself, you are The Titanic (movie not ship) of blogging.

  9. Aww shucks. Thanks. And now you've made my day. I'll check out some of the others you mention that I don't already now.

    Congratulations on your big three awards!

    I'd really like to see someone start the "you make me snort tea out of my nose" award! Just so apt for so many blogs I read.

  10. I'll second the Snort a Hot Beverage Out of my Nose award!

    Thanks for honouring me with an award, I'm flattered. And congrats on your THREE!

  11. Yes, deserving awards for a star blogger.
    I've tagged you.It's not a crafty tag, more a green thumby tag!

  12. Well deserved indeed!Enjoy the accolades:)

  13. Yes Jodie well deserved - and a lovely thought to be awarded just by putting a dot on your map (I am in love with my map and dots - LOL)

  14. Congratulations on your awards Jodie - and I am very humbled to receive yours! Oh shucks, I'm blushing and I'm feeling a bit embarassed. Thank you so much!
    And I LOVE the green and white quilt - I haven't tackled a "proper" quilt yet myself! You're inspiring me yet again!

    Thanks Jodie - because you know that YOU are the AMAZING blogger!

  15. Hi Jodie,

    Wow - it's like the Oscars around here! Thanks so much for thinking of me when handing out your awards, I'm touched.

    And many congrats on picking up so many yourself ..... all very well deserved as your blog is fab!


  16. You always "make my day," too So I can certainly understand why you received the award!!

  17. Jodie, Jodie, Jodie,
    Wow, the Titanic, Snort my tea out of nose - it's all good. Whatever did we do B4 this great new space! Looking forward to seeing that green quilt in the flesh - you are one CLEVER girl and I less than 3 YOU!


Hellloooooo !!!!