Tuesday, August 30, 2016

this is not where I was going

Some time ago I sent some of my Bunny Trail fabric to Helen Philipps.

Do you know Helen? I don't but I do follow her blog.
 It is the prettiest blog in all of blogland, full of great photography and sewing and flowers.

Helen made a bundle of the cutest things with BunnyTrail - but I thought I had better wait until the fabric was actually available  before I shared .
(The timing stuff with fabric design is bonkers )

Check out Lettuce - isn't she awesome ? You know how much I love a good name for a softie!
You should do yourself a favour and pop over and see the little quilt and the hexie ball as well as a great block that Helen made.

I have been glued to my computer for what feels likes weeks, finishing off two HUGE patterns. I have been working on another little alphabet friend, making suitcases, and watching the days fly by on the calendar.
I got an email this week asking me to teach in 2018 !!!! It totally fruck me out friends, and don't think it will surprise you to hear that I am failing at any semblance of a work/life balance these days. I keep saying things like "Oh it's just busy now because of the fabric, or because of market, or trade show"....but I think I need to realise it is always like this. this has become my normal.
How do you do it? Do you balance stuff?
 If you run your own business, large or small- how do you stop working?
Even if you don't run a business, do you struggle with the elusive 'balance'that we all must have in our lives?

(Must we have it? Is it in fact haveable? Is is a crock of shit?)

Saturday, August 6, 2016